Új Privát Ligás feature a következő patchben
2011.01.28. 17:41, StrongarmArmstrong
BB: LE Február 1.(-re ígérték...)
Az eljövendő frissítés egy igen érdekes új lehetőséget nyit meg a privát ligákban: lehetséges nyilt rendszerű ligát indítani. Magyarán a ligán belül lehet szabad kihívásos, vagy sorsolós rendszerben játszani, a ligafelügyelő meghatározhatja, hogy csak új, vagy veterán csapatok lehetnek benne, mint a multiplayeres nyilvános ligákban, de ez saját így cheater mentesebb lehet.
Nekünk ez jó hír hiszen mindig jobban pörögtek a meccsek a kihívásos rendszerben és már kezdem unni a totjázást.
Ezekívül lesz még néhány anti csalós szerveroldali frissítés, valamint jelentős mennyiségű bug lesz javítva, mint pl. a Stab/Stakes hiba, a Nekromanta/Nurgle's Rott, pár Blood Lust-os bug, meg sok más.
A tovább után ott a teljes changelog:
- Private Leagues with "Open League" settings:
* It is now possible to create private leagues with settings similar to the current Open Leagues (Auld Wold, Naggaroth Open...).
* These new leagues can be found in the League Finder tool (Type of league: Public League, Manager: Community).
* It is possible to blacklist coaches when managing these leagues (Manage League, Teams, Blacklist).
* Require Application (Yes/No): If set to No, teams can take part in the league without submitting an Application.
* Only new teams (Yes/No): If set to Yes, only teams that haven't played a match can join the league.
* Different settings for Matchmaking and Challenge are available (Ranked/Unranked).
- Fixed a match lock up when trying to stand up a Vampire that failed his Blood Lust roll.
- Fixed an exploit allowing to Blitz with more than one player in a turn.
- Fixed a Turnover happening after catching the ball at Kick-Off.
- Fixed Stab always used with Stakes.
- Fixed an issue with players that cannot Blitz after some Kick-Off events.
- Fixed a crash on High Kick event when selecting a player not on the pitch.
- Fixed a crash on Touchback when selecting a player not on the pitch.
- Fixed Horns still active after a Block or Blitz.
- Fixed Shadowing and Tentacles being re-rolled when result is 0.
- Fixed Star Players losing skills when playing with an exported team.
- Fixed Blizzard allowing passes greater than Short Pass (player & AI).
- Fixed Piling On sometimes freezing the game when used with the ball or on the ball carrier.
- Fixed Leap where the player would roll for Leap multiple times.
- Fixed Diving Tackle asked on a Leap.
- Fixed the ball boucing twice at Kick-Off.
- Fixed Blood Lust rolled when throwing a Bomb.
- Fixed the timer of the Follow-up popup.
- Fixed Hand-Off working on Hypnotized player.
- Diving Tackle: Updated the popup to show the log.
- Diving Tackle: Will not be asked on an unmodified Dodge roll of 1 or 6.
- High Kick Event: The game will no longer put a random player at the ball destination on the timeout.
- Updated the Re-roll popup to display correct informations with Shadowing and potentially other skills (ie for Shadowing: "You got 6 and require 6" instead of "You got 6 and require 8").
- Added Tackle to the Optional Skills Block window.
- Blitz Mode: Sponsor now gives cash at the end of the season (5 periods in Campaign) before players are paid.
- Blitz Mode: Fixed a bug in Campaign where players were paid at the end of a competition instead of at the end of the season (5 periods).
There will also be a server update fixing the Necromancer & Decay in online games
Hát nem tudom, a lista szerint csak single playerben működött hibásan. Szóljál ha ilyet észlelsz mégegyszer, majd jelentem.
„Ebből csak egyet láttam, csab szerintem 1-2 mezővel messzebb dobhatott blizzardban, mint lehetne. De nem azon múlott a meccs, úgyhogy nem is izgatom magam:)”